Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Now I know how ray charles felt. slightly.

I woke up today half blind. I was shocked but soon realized my right eyelid was crusted closed. I have the pink eye. No idea where I got it, all I know is I got it. All day I've been wearing my glasses (with outdated prescriptions I should add) and it has not been that pleasant. I got the night off work, but to do what? Try to watch tv and get a headache? It just hasn't been the best night. Now TJ is home, playing playstation, and I finally have a computer to play with. 20 minutes into said computer time and I am already getting bored, go figure. Falling asleep is going to be hard, seeing as how I slept from 7am till 5pm preparing to work 3rd shift again. Is it wrong to take NyQuil when you aren't sick?

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