Friday, March 20, 2009

My Health; why it sucks.

Let's start off by saying this.... today I got an upper GI endoscopy. For those of you who don't know what that is.... here's how it went.

Traded in the track jacket (go penn state!) for a paper gown.

Had an IV put in my delicate little hand.

Was prepped by 3 nurses while simultaneously being grilled about my tattoos, eyelashes, and earrings.

(Said prepping included a painful blood pressure cuff, oxygen being pumped into my nose, and a plastic O put in my mouth and strapped around my head like one of those torture gag things.)

While I was knocked out the doctor put a tube down my throat with a camera and looked at my esophagus, stomach, and part of my intestine and took a sample for biopsy.

Ta da! I woke up not long after in the room where I started!

SO.....After putting my clothes back on the doctor came in saying I had a bunch of tiny ulcers and that he took some tissue to biopsy but he though that was not the cause of my pain.

Now I have to go on tuesday and get a HIDA scan.... which will further test the functioning of my gallbladder.


Ps.... I have been in so much pain the last week it's nuts....

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